Make payments into a holding account to pay your debtors a negotiated lumpsum
You will not be making any principal or interest payments to your creditors, but instead, you will be making monthly payments to be placed into a holding account to be used in a lumpsum payment
Quickly pay off your debts in one easy payment.
Lumpsum payment negates the need for any interest or principal payments
Begin negotiating with your creditors on your behalf
Can be done with your debt as fast as several months
A debt settlement plan is different from a Debt Management Plan (DMP) with a credit counsellor. After signing the agreement for debt settlement , we will begin to negotiate with your creditors. You will not be making any principal or interest payments to your creditors, but instead, you will be making monthly payments to be placed into a holding account. This amount will be used to build up a lump sum payment, which can take several months to accumulate.
Just click get started to submit a free consultation request.
We’ve been helping people across the province get access to the best debt relief resources in the country since the beginning of the pandemic.
After seeing more and more people lose their homes, cars and belongings we realized the need to serve the good people of Alberta that banks would not help.
My gratitude to your entire team for changing my life cannot be overstated. I promise I will tell everyone I know to call you to discuss your debt relief programs. You have a supporter for life in me!
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